Monday, November 06, 2006

i am $1200 in debt to people. i had to call my mom to ask for help. i feel like jumping off a bridge. i hope you're doing better than i am, and this was a life lesson, and you're fixed.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

chuck norris is my boyfriend

sup! its the queen of drunk here....lots of good stuff to report.

DH's birthday was yesterday :) so cute, my little old head. monday night all the boys went bowling so me and meg decorated their living room and his room and all and surprised him when they got back. it was really adorable.

then yesterday i had to babysit for like...ever (nine hours. ACK). i got to take K to tumbletown, which is actually a really cool place (big trampoline...of course i loved it). then i brought her by the house to show her off. everyone loved her. it was really fun, i just have a feeling shes gonna drive me crazy.

so when we got back it was time to drink...and that i did. i got SOOOOOOO fucked up. i cant remember half the night. did some shots of tequila (<3) and went to the bar with bill. made out with bill. got some random guy to buy me a shot. broke bill's bottle while trying to do the tap thingy (dont really remember that part). apparently yelled at DH bc he said he didnt kno if he was gonna be able to 'perform'. i was yelling "you better be able to! i have to fuck you tonight!" hahahaha. came back to the house. made out w/ DH. did some other stuff with DH. then got really sick. puked on megs stuff. woke up at 10:28, two minutes before i was supposed to be at work. drove to red lion still drunk and watched some kids all day. needless to say i took a nap while the baby was sleeping and katrina was watching tv.

i was definitely counting down the seconds till nicole was supposed to get home. K was driving me nuts jumping on me while i was trying to study. i definitely cried on the way home bc i was so stressed and just tired of being around babies. hahah. but i called mommy and she made it all better.

speaking of mommy....lately i've been really upset thinking about the fact that im probably never going to live at home again. it makes me REALLY sad. i think im gonna try to move back home for the summer after graduation just so i can be home. we'll see. i hate living at home for the lack of any social life whatsoever, but its the last change i'll ever have to live with my family :( i love them and im going to miss them so much. damn.

anyway, i have a huge test tomorrow so i gotta study...future me, you already know the results of said test so you're prolly not stressing, but i am. :/

Sunday, October 29, 2006


TsHA! new blog :)

So...this weekend was the fray/halloween shiz. probably the most anticipated weekend of the entire semester....

friday was interesting. the fray was supposed to start at 830 and we didnt get there until like 845 bc of stupid traffic :( and then we couldnt even go up to the good seats in the bar bc my ID is expired. lame. the openers were awesome. the first guy looked like a vampire, he was really good tho. then the feeling came on and they ROCKED. new fave brit-rock band. so much fun. then the main attraction: THE FRAY!!! they were amazing as usual. they put on such a good show. :) love those boys. screamed myself hoarse

afterward we waited outside in the rain to get autographs and after a half hour joe finally came out and was like 'im only coming out here so you guys will get out of the rain!' so we peaced out after he went back inside. i dont think the other boys were gonna come out.

so then we were wet and tired and we got back to karens and all colin wanted to do was go out and drink. plus we had to get up at 8 to leave. i was so NOT in the mood for it tho, and luckily we decided to order pizza and watch some tv.

so saturday around 5 me and meg started getting ready for the biggest night like ever in york. we went to brendas at 630 for a little pregame action. we both had at least 20 jello shots...they were sooo good :) jenny and colin got home at 830 and we all went out in our super cute fanta outfits! we were definitely the hit of the night, everyone was singing "wanna fanta?" at us all night. and we looked SO hot.

the party was okay. it was at 305, which is kelly and erins house. it was cool bc billy and benfro came and the boys and then later john and roller and cali. a pretty random mix of people. but unlike next door, there wasnt really anything to do cept play beer pong. so that what we did...all night. then of course brock fuckin showed up w/ his retard frat brothers. making things pretty awkward, with brock, benfro, and DH all standing within 3 feet of each other at one point. i swear i shoulda gotten a picture with all three of them. weirdest moment ever.

so we went to the bar, but me and meg left early bc it was kinda boring and our feet hurt. then some of the usual lame drama went down and i ended up going to bed around like 2.

talked to DH today...told him it was kinda lame that we didnt hang out much at the party. he was like 'yeah we were kinda assholes to each other when we did see each other' ...which of course is MY fault, as usual. whatever. sometimes i am so over this whole thing between us, but then things go back to normal and i realize its like NEVER going to end. how do i get myself into situations like this?

so anyway, i start babysitting on tuesday....a NINE HOUR day. if i wanted to be around kids that long, i'd just have my own! jeez! i have a feeling htis isnt going to last very long, working 40+ hours a week for only $200. at least ill have money to pay off my rent and pay back all my roommates. god i suck.

anyway the shining is on, and i've only been dedicating half of my attention to it, and thats just not fair. so future me...i hope you're enjoying reading this, and i hope your life is a little more interesting than mine :/